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Covid 19 Testing Failure Series


This series of blog posts or articles clearly deal with the Coronavirus, more specifically Covid-19. While there is much talk about this topic and it is affecting everyone, there is also some misinformation on the subject.

These are the things I’m faced with as a person who is positive for having the virus. I’m frustrated and disappointed with this flawed testing process. My journey in getting tested and the subsequent treatment is interesting (for a nice word).

Should you have any questions, I can be reached via

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at

I Woke up Angry! 4/27/2020

So I woke up angry this morning. Why? I finally got my test results back yesterday (tested on Saturday) and I am positive for Covid-19! I have been trying to get tested since the beginning of March because I am in a vulnerable group.

Was I one of these people you see out walking around without a mask or gloves on? No. Was I always out in public disregarding the 6 feet of social distancing? No Was I coughing, had a fever or shortness of breath? No. Was I exposed to the virus as far as I knew of? No. Was I washing my hands and avoiding touching my face? Yes Was I disinfecting and sanitizing surfaces on a regular basis (for me this was done daily)? Yes Was I at home (exceptions: supply runs to grocery store twice and three doc appointments)? Yes

Now, I know this disease is airborne. I know there is little known about it. I correctly deduced that there would probably be people who are positive and do not show any symptoms. I also figured that people in general would not follow the recommended guidelines and cause more problems.

So guess what? I am asymptomatic. I have a weakened immune system thanks to multiple sclerosis and I have a few other underlying health issues. But, no symptoms! If I have these medical problems and am positive with no symptoms, how many other people are like that walking around potentially infecting others? Hence, the wisdom of the shelter in place orders. Yes cabin fever is real, I’d rather be safe and have the chance to get cabin fever than be dead (or as my grandmother used to say “Pushing up daisies.”).

I’m angry because I have been caring for a premature baby since September and now I have put him at risk. I truly believe more could have been done in relation to testing. Especially when it was explained that I have these issues.

I want everyone to know that this virus is not to be played with. They do not know a lot about how it works, how you can get it and other things. People, please try to maintain good health, follow the distancing and sanitation guidelines and stay safe. Stay home.

I did everything I was supposed to do, but as my sister and I joked yesterday, Corona got Rosie anyway. It just shows that you cannot be too careful. Stay home, it’s not safe out there.

JMHO LJ Thomas

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at


I feel fine. I have no symptoms and am clearly asymptomatic. After learning that I am positive for covid-19 on Monday, April 27, 2020, I was told that I would receive a call so that my contact with other persons could be traced.

I finally received the call on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. The woman was very matter-of-fact. I spoke with her for eight minutes. I was expecting questions related to where I had gone, whom I had come in contact with and the timeframes for all of this. I was also expecting additional information on how to protect myself and my family, with whom I am currently sheltered. Remember, persons who are elderly or in vulnerable groups are still required to be sheltered in place in the state of Georgia until June 12th.

Imagine my surprise to realize that I was going getting a courser review of the same information already known related to sanitation, protection and safety practices for covid-19. She did not ask me any detailed questions about tracking or tracing potential exposure to others.

In fact, once I mentioned that I had been trying to get tested since the beginning of March and that I am in the vulnerable category living with a premature baby and I’m asymptomatic, she hurried off the phone. I was shocked in the least, but infuriated.

Here I am doing everything I can to make sure I keep other people safe and the people who are supposed to know what they are doing, are basically recycling old information. At least, that has been my experience. So sad and I firmly believe this will be the reason Georgia will be hit harder with this in a few months. I will be staying inside until well into 2021!

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at


So, as of today, three of the people sheltered with me have been tested for covid-19. The results are scattered.

Okay here is what I mean. My husband who sleeps in the bed with me every night is negative. My sister who leaves the house to go to work Mon-Fri is negative.

We are awaiting the results for my daughter.

Ironically, they are resistant to testing the 9month on baby who was born a couple months early. Why is this an issue? Because I have been caring for this child since September and I am positive for covid-19.

Yes I am frustrated with all of this!

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at


My husband, who is also in the vulnerable category has been trying to get tested since the beginning of March as well. He and I both got tested on April 25, 2020 and received our results on Monday April 27, 2020.

Interestingly enough, my husband has been under a doctor’s care since around March 18th. He was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection at this time by his PCP. He took the prescribed medication, but did not get better. After listening to him cough in violent fits for several days, we sent back to the doc (this took some doing). They directed us to go to the ER (Gwinnett Medical). We did so immediately!

Once there, I pointed out that he had been potentially exposed to the disease at work and as his spouse with underlying health issues, we should both be seen and tested. We were rushed back for triage and assessed. He was immediately taken into the hospital. This was not the case with me. Finally I was taken into the hospital and asked a lot of questions, had some blood drawn and a chest x-ray.

After several hours, I was released with the advice to isolate, and follow CDC guidelines. I was told by the doctor that I was not tested for covid-19, but because of the complaints that I have, I’m being treated as if I have the disease. My discharge papers actually read “Discharge Instructions for Covid 19”.

My husband was told after a chest x-ray and blood work that he has pneumonia, given a couple prescriptions, some fluids and released. His discharge instructions read the same way.

Now, We were not in regular ER rooms. In fact, we were treated in a hallway with dividers. So, it was easy to hear what was going on. There was a lady near us who had traveled out of the country and she was tested for covid-19.

My husband presented with, chills, dry cough, shortness of breath, body aches, headache and loss of smell. My husband was diagnosed with pneumonia. No covid-19 testing done.

I presented with, fatigue and some difficulty breathing. I was diagnosed with asthma flare up. No covid-19 testing done.

Now based on the known symptoms for this disease, I firmly believe my husband should have been tested. I believe my husband had the disease and by the time he was tested, he was negative. I believe I got the disease from him.

I believe the slow turning wheels of testing WILL make the spread of this disease 100 times worse!

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at


Today is Sunday, May 3, 2020 and my daughter, who is sheltered in place with us got her test results today. But, before I tell you about that, let me tell you about what happened on Thursday to my husband.

My husband has been feeling very bad, he’s been coughing violently for the last two weeks. As I mentioned earlier, he’s taken a couple rounds of antibiotics for his upper respiratory infection which turned into pneumonia. However, I was so concerned about him that we made a telemed appointment with a pulmonologist. This appointment yielded the following results:

  1. You need to be retested for the coronavirus

  2. We need more than a chest x-ray to find out what is going on. I want a CT and other imaging tests.

  3. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus mandated restrictions, I am unable to examine you.

  4. Go to the ER.

  5. The doc wants to rule out covid-19, especially since I am positive and asymptomatic.

So, the decision was made to call the ambulance to transport him to Piedmont hospital since the pulmonologist works with this hospital and his notes would be in the record. None of the people living with him could take him to the hospital for various reasons.

Now, once my husband got to the ER, he received the following: fluids, a breathing treatment, an EKG, and a chest x-ray. He was tested for Covid-19. It was negative and he was released with a couple prescriptions. He was told he does not have pneumonia, but there was no other diagnosis. We will have to follow up with our PCP.

As of today (Sunday) he is still having violent coughing fits. In fact, one of his daughters suggested that he take breathing treatments. He is taking the antibiotics the doc prescribed, he is drinking plenty of fluids and getting as much rest as he can. Keep in mind, he is on an inhaler already (from the last ER visit).

So, I still believe my husband had the virus and I got it from him. I also believe that his lungs have been damaged because of it and that is the reason he cannot get rid of the cough. I think because of the lack of being able to get tested, he is no longer positive.

Now, my daughter tested on Thursday and her result is negative. So out of all the people in this house, I am the only person who is positive. It doesn’t make any sense. I don’t go anywhere, I wash my hands and clean and sanitize all surfaces a few times a day.

Bottom line: There is no rhyme or reason to this virus and that is the reason everyone must be careful. Follow the CDC guidelines (it’s all we have right now), practice social distancing, and stay home.

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at

UPDATE #5 Coronavirus Antibody Testing

Question: If there are people like me walking around (asymptomatic and positive for Covid-19, why haven’t I been contacted to be tested for antibodies?

I visited the CDC website to find out about Antibody testing (there was a small news story on this a week or so ago). I wanted to find out what else I could do to help people during this pandemic.

After reading the information there, I took the self-checker thinking it would get me closer to an antibody test.

Here is my results:

So I dug around the website more and found the following:

If you test negative for COVID-19, you probably were not infected at the time your sample was collected. However, that does not mean you will not get sick. It is possible that you were very early in your infection when your sample was collected and that you could test positive later. Or you could be exposed later and then develop illness. In other words, a negative test result does not mean you won’t get sick later. This means you could still spread the virus. Know How to Protect Yourself and Others.

I’ll keep doing what I can to protect others (wash my hand frequently, practice social distancing, avoid touching my face, sanitize surfaces regularly, and definitely stay home). I cannot life with the guilt of putting someone else at risk of this disease, so I’ll only be going to my doc appointments. It’s the least I can do.

UPDATE#6 Trying to get Re-tested

Today is Thursday and it has been a week since we found out that my husband no longer has pneumonia and is negative for Covid-19 (per his second test). All of this is great news!!

But we are still dealing with lingering heath issues for him.

I am still only showing exhaustion and other than that, no covid-19 symptoms. I am trying to get re-tested for several reasons. One so that I can actually see and get a proper examination from my doctors related to my other health issues.

COVID-19 Update_Twitter

My test was on April 25, 2020, so my 14 day period is up on May 9, 2020. Let’s see how long it will take for me to get re-tested. I spoke to the call center for my area and aws advised to call back on Friday morning since I have to wait until Saturday.

Why not go ahead and give me a time to come in since I’m already on the phone? Hmmmm.

I’ll let you know what happens.


Wear ace masks Wash your hands frequently Sanitize surfaces regularly Practice social at al times and stay home if possible

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at

UPDATE #7-Retest Scheduled and New Information

I called the testing center on Friday and explained that I tested positive for the covid 19 virus and that I need to be retested since my 14 days are up on Saturday. The young woman was nice, checked the system and scheduled me to come in on Monday afternoon. I will be going to the same testing center as before. Since I’m going alone there should be no chance of mixing my test up with anyone else’s (my husband’s theory).

But, let me tell you what I found out on Friday evening. We know a person who works in the medical field, Tenesa Mobley (the Walking Canvas) and when she discovered that I tested positive, she ran down so much information that I was overwhelmed for a minute.

Here is the gist of what she said:

  1. To build help build my immune system up, I should be taking a minimum of 3,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

  2. I should be taking at least 2 Zinc pills daily

  3. I should stay away from dairy because it breaks down the immune system

  4. I should make sure I keep moving because many of the patients she has tested that were asymptomatic like me and positive ended up with blood clots

  5. I should use alcohol to sanitize since I am allergic to Lysol

  6. I should eat Kale for the vitamins and nutrients it contains

  7. I should drink fresh ginger and fresh lemon juice in tea

  8. I should be sure to wash my clothes and keep the separate from everyone else.

  9. Be sure to wear a mask even in the at all times

  10. Use heat to help kill the virus.

Now that is a lot of information, which I did not receive from the testing center when I got a call to give me additional information for my isolation for the 14 day period. Why do you think I did not receive the above information? I got some general instructions (which are common sense), but nothing like this.

I was not even asked thorough questions related to others that are sheltered in place with us. Now, you may be wondering why I’m still talking about being sheltered in place and the restrictions have been lifted.

Here’s the reason: the state never really closed. There were businesses still open, people were at parks and on walking trails without masks. The problem with all of this is that the disease is airborne, so anyone can be infected and infect others, with or without symptoms. I hate to say it, but people who do this are being selfish and inconsiderate of others as they put themselves and others at risk.

People if you don’t take this seriously now, you may not be here later. I will be sheltered in place well into 2021 because I know how serious this virus is and I need to make sure I’m around for my family.

JMHO LJ Thomas

LJ Thomas is the creator and author of the Leo Learns educational children’s series. She is also the creator and host of the Purely Positive show. She can be reached via email at

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